
Reproduction of Painting of Leonīds Āriņš in Tukums


The municipality of Tukums, as Latvia approached its centenary, gave a beautiful and lasting gift — a reproduction of the prominent local painter Leonīds Āriņš’ painting “Artistic moment with flowers” (Glezniecisks moments ar ziediem, 1984) on the end wall of a multi-storey apartment building. L. Āriņš (1907–1991) was the founder and for many years also the director of the Tukums Museum — the first Latvian art museum outside Riga. Thanks to him and his peers — painters Ansis Artums and Kārlis Neilis, as well as the subsequent generations of artists of Tukums and the picturesque urban environment, Tukums has also acquired the fame of an art town.
The artistic paintings on walls and fragments of paintings near lanterns in the old town enhance the beauty in urban environment and make it more aesthetically pleasing. The beautifying of Tukums with the help of façades will continue, and several other objects have already been selected, on which new fine art works could be placed.

Contact information

Kurzemes St. 3, Tukums